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HTML Output Functions

These functions output various HTML tags. There are currently over 50 functions in this set. Some simply output a begin or end tag "<></>". Others produce a set of HTML tags with various attributes and values set from parameters. These functions relieve the application developer from trying to remembering the exact HTML tag and sequence. Since many HTML constructs contain double quotes, the functions shield you from escaping every double quote.

Furthermore, these functions convert input strings to HTML-compatible strings by using the function, SaMakeHtmlString. This function converts the characters >, <, &, and ", to the proper escape sequence.

An example of using the HTML output functions can be found in the directory contrib/SaApi_Example of the Sapphire/Web distribution. To run the example, create a directory for your project and copy in the contents of the contrib/SaApi_Example directory. Follow the instructions in the README file. The Sapphire/Web example creates an HTML file using almost all the HTML output functions. The resulting HTML file contains a Form with various Form Elements, the Table Element, Anchors, and Mailtos.

Note: When you use a function with Begin in the name, you will need a similar function with End in the name.
The include file for the function declaration, SaRnHtml.h, can be found in the include directory of the Sapphire/Web distribution. This file will also show all of the other headers which come with the distribution. The Source Code for these Functions, SaHtmlC.c, is located in the client/src directory of the Sapphire/Web distribution.

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